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Behind the scenes of the Mentor 2023 Christmas Card...

As we settled down to our early Christmas treat at Bristol’s board game cafe, Chance and Counters, many of us at Mentor recalled the hazy memories of past Christmas gatherings round the family dining table, wearing Christmas cracker hats ready to play the traditional board games of the past.

Following on from last year’s e-card (you can read about that here), we used our miniature figures and inspiration from our board game night out to create a snowy scene for our Christmas card celebrating our love of board games. The eagle eyed will no doubt spot the little train carts from Ticket to Ride with the much coveted Monopoly money; the vibrant Trivial Pursuit triangles (or are they cheese wedges?) and bent Uno cards sit amongst the cute mouse meeple from Root and the lion treasure from Forbidden Island. Games, both traditional and contemporary, are celebrated in our wonderland scene topped with snow (or flour)!


Waiting for Christmas

Snow business

As Christmas approaches, we reflect on all the work we have done this year for our valued clients. We have successfully launched a number of new websites, completed several Umbraco 10 upgrades, and developed a suite of high-performing, engaging campaigns across various online channels. We are already set for all new site launches in 2024 to be delivered in Umbraco 13, with the  release of Umbraco latest long term support version due in the next few days.This year we also expanded our Digital Marketing offering, welcoming Dan Watt to head up the team and securing more paid media and SEO work from new and existing clients.

Mentor would like to thank all of our clients who have worked with us this year, we appreciate your support.

We hope you’ll join us in dusting off your favourite board game to play once again with your family this year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

From all the team at Mentor

Game on!

A game of hat and mouse

It's a small world

Luck of the draw